Ich drücke mich ja immernoch davor, hier meine Religion zu erklären. Ich schreibe hin und wieder etwas gegen die Aktionen so genannter Christen, hab aber noch nicht wirklich viel über meine eigene Weltsicht verlauten lassen.
Jetzt wurde mir von einem Bekannten ein Video geschickt, in dem ein gewisser Rev. Younger eine sehr schöne Erklärung liefert was zumindest unter „Paganism“, also Heidentum zu verstehen ist.
Man muss dazu sagen, daß dieser Reverend nicht wirklich ein christlicher Geistlicher ist. Ich lasse da mal einen Text zu Wort kommen der wohl von ihm selbst stammt.
„I do not adhere to any denomination of any religion. I practice a variety of things from multiple religions. I consider every religion valid in its own right and that is what I try to promote in the videos I release. I am every religion I have ever or, will ever encounter throughout my life. Since I cannot put a name to it, when asked, I simply say this:
I am the same religion as Yeshua, Buddha, Zoroaster, Krishna, Gandhi and every other Prophet and Philosopher who has come or will come. None of these adhered to the religions of their ancestors and none of them were a follower of the religions that sprang from their pupils. IE, Yeshua could not be considered a „Christian“ and Buddha, could not be considered a „Buddhist“
I am ordained through three entities. The Church of Spiritual Humanism, The Universal Life Church and Universal Ministries. I obtained ordination through these entities in order to be legally recognized and obtain all the rights and privileges of a minister. Some do not see these entities as legitimate, because as some have said „they will ordain anyone“. This, I suppose, is true. However, I do not see that as a fault of the entity but a strength. The fault, if any, is with the individual who does not or will not take the responsibility seriously. That person has not lessened the validity of the organization, but the validity of him/herself.
Secondly, I obtained ordination from these entities, because had I gone to a denominational church, they would not have ordained me unless I adhered to their doctrine/dogma, some of which I do not believe, and would have been forced to lie in order to obtain said ordination, furthermore, my credentials would soon be removed for preaching what I do.
Rev. Derrek Younger“
Ich finde dieses Video sehr gelungen. Viel Spass beim ansehen und evtl. weiterverbreiten.