A human being. A gay human being.

The whisper of my dreaded sexuality is enough to stir up a crowd in righteous anger, to condemn me and stone me to death. Because I am.

Yet, I am.

I cannot deny it, though I can hide in lies. I can deceive myself, pray to all the deities, seek to be healed, torture myself in prayer and self hate and self deception. I can seek to try and rid myself of all that this part of me means in this world. Yes, I can do that.

But I will not.

I am what I am. A human being.


I am gay. A human being who, through a lot, has come to accept what I am. Myself.

It is not the whole of my identity. It is not the whole of me. It is a part of me.

Its true, many others may use this as a characteristic to hunt me down and hurt me. A cure for all their ills in removing this stain on their being, their community. Like the crowds in South Africa have hunted down, beaten, burnt and killed other Africans, in the name of jobs and poverty.

Doesn’t stop me from being what I am. A human being.

Doesn’t stop me from affirming what I am. A gay human being.

Doesn’t stop me from loving others, from falling in love, hating like others.

Doesn’t stop me from lifting my head up, though they would proudly stretch my neck in a noose.

I am a human being. A gay human being.

Ein sehr bewegender Text von http://gayuganda.blogspot.com/2008/05/gay-human-being.html. Und wieder mal Dank an GayDissenter, daß er mich auf diesen Text aufmerksam gemacht hat.

Vieles davon kann ich für mich annehmen. Sicher bin ich nicht annähernd in einer so bedrängten Lage. Und ich habe Hochachtung davor, daß jemand in dieser Lage trotzdem so couragiert schreibt. Und das ist der Grund warum ich darauf aufmerksam machen will. Seltbst wenn wir hier alles erreicht hätten, gäbe es noch viel in der Welt zu tun. Und Hass und Diskriminierung ist nie eine „innere Angelegenheit“.


Eine Antwort zu “A human being. A gay human being.”

  1. „Und Hass und Diskriminierung ist nie eine “innere Angelegenheit”.

    KLASSE. können wir das gaaanz dick bei einigen politikern an die (mentale) haustür schreiben?

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